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Friday, November 7, 2008

Palin/Plumber 2012 At Busted Tees

0 pennies earned

This may be one of the funniest responses I've yet seen to the recent presidential election. I suppose it follows the Shirts on Sale ethos in that it's on sale this week -- too bad this shirt still costs $14.99. Perhaps SaD can rip it off tomorrow so we can get it for less.

Although we didn't consider the complete implications, nothing gets past the Busted Tees crew:

This phrase doubles as the title of the worst sci-fi porno in movie history.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Free Shirt of the Day from Please Dress Me

0 pennies earned

Looks like the folks who run Please Dress Me (a up-and-comer t-shirt search engine) are lonely for loving.

They're offering up the chance to join over 1,389 fans who have a shot at winning a free t-shirt every one of the five major days of the week. All you have to do is join their little circle of friends (or "fan" them, actually), sit back, relax, and wait for the free tshirts to roll in.

They have featured some pretty excellent t-shirts, so consider singing on if you're already a member of that elite institution known by the uninitiated as Facebook and (we have it on good authority) those in the know as "That place where I used to play

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

20% off Three "Manly" Tees at AAITSKI!

1 penny earned

That 20% off is going to save you five Euros on AAITSKI!'s ultra-kawaii artwork (Is that the correct way to hang an apostrophe "s" on their name? What does their name mean anyway??).

Don't worry if you're ordering a girl's shirt, even if this is supposed to be an International Men's Day doesn't seem as if they're adhering to the rules too strictly.

While you can only get t-shirts that portray boys (namely, the three designs below) on sale, men's and women's tshirts are all fair game and they're running this promotion right on through Tuesday the 11th.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Live in the United States? VOTE!!

0 pennies earned

So that you can say

and you were part of the

and then get your free stuff

All images link to the source material. Thank you Creative Commons!

15% Off at Amp Street

0 pennies earned

This just in on the wire (boy do these kids need to get themselves an editor) about Amp Street -- who are, obviously, a street/graffiti-oriented label.

You might already know .. but for all of you that missed it we will continue with the BIG SALE.

We have also added the function "forward this email to a friend" use it!
Get 3 friends to order and we will send you 1 Free t-shirt!

For your next order use the coupon "ilove" and you will get 15% of your order. This coupon also works on Sale items.

JellyFiz Launches New Twist on T-shirt Contest Site

0 pennies earned

Here are the salient details, but read on for the press-released version:
1. JellyFiz prints real shirts (not POD) but won't do it unless you can prove there's an audience -- like the bastard child of Cafepress and Design by Humans.
2. Artists set the price point, but we're a little fuzzy on who sends out the shirt.
3. They're launching November 14th and need artists. Submit four related designs by this date and get 20% off printing and garment costs.

We (JellyFiz) have created a marketplace where people can buy, create and sell their own fashion line with no upfront costs and profit from every sale.

Basically designers can create a small collection using our templates and then list the designs on the "runway". Only designs that collect over 12 pre-orders within a week get manufactured. Shoppers pay sellers directly via PayPal for these items and then sellers work with JellyFiz to manufacture the items within 7-10 business days and ship to customers themselves. Sellers set the price and profit levels. The more you sell of a particular item, the higher the profit levels.

We offer 55 fashion garments to design on and printing techniques like jumbo prints, foil, discharge and water based inks, inside labels, poly bagging etc. All over printing, rhinestones and embroidery are available when designers manufacture the items upfront and then list it within the "instock collection".

We are looking for designers and bands who may be interested in launching their own fashion line and to be part of our official launch. We need the designs submitted by 14th of Nov 2008. There is 20% off printing and garment costs if you submit a collection of 4 designs by this date. ( All designs need to follow a single collection theme).