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Thursday, November 13, 2008


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Looks like BEAUTIFUL/DECAY has added a couple of new clearance t-shirts from their B/D Artist series...and we're the first to hear about them. Too bad this isn't a store-wide sale, but we'll take what whatever we can get.

While the three shirts below are new additions to their clearance racks, they aren't your only options. B/D currently offers 29 items at a discount -- from the odd (mood bottle openers) to the timely (nice and toasty hoodies).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

20% Chop Shop Holiday Discount

0 pennies earned

We're pretty confident that outside their own announcement on Flickr, we're the first to bring you a pretty nice 20% off coupon for any purchase at Chop Shop throughout the entire holiday season.

Just enter the code takethefifth at checkout (make sure it goes through before you finalize the transaction) to get this excellent deal.

Don't forget, you can even use this coupon on their $10 or less t-shirts.

25% Off Coupon @ EndangeredWear

0 pennies earned

Get 25% off any order at EndangeredWear through the end of November with the coupon world.

To make you feel even better about your purchase -- even if you're buying something for yourself and not for some holiday gift you selfish, selfish person you (jk) -- they'll "donate $1.00 to World Vision, an international humanitarian organization that combats hunger and poverty in nearly 100 countries."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Inexpensive Thermals and T-shirts from Spraygraphics

0 pennies earned

We just got a great tip from reader Chris about cheap products at Spraygraphic - "A community for creative minds."

Having a sale on their thermal shirts (long sleeve waffle-type shirts, I believe). They've got 5 for $12. Also a large selection of t-shirts, with about a dozen for $8, a dozen more for $10. Cool designs, I got 3 of them. Shipping was a flat $5.55 for the whole order.
The t-shirts are structured by price, so just scroll down to see their most reasonably-priced items.